Australian Terrier

Australian Terrier dogs aren't simply adorable the way most terriers are. They're also a bit rough-and-tumble, too. Not only do Australian Terriers tend to act more self-confidently than most small dogs. Their coarse outer coats attest to their heritage as hard-working outdoor dogs.
The Australian Terrier dog breed is a true child of Australia, unlike some other dog breeds with the word "Australian" in their name. The Australian Terrier breed is in fact the first breed developed in Australia to be formally shown in competition.
Dog Breed Australian Terrier
Behavior Recommended for: companion dog.
Australian Terriers tend to have a lot of energy, but not so much that the average person can't keep up. With their heritage of hunting small animals, terriers can be aggressive. In the nineteenth century, Australian Terrier dogs were often put to work as guard dogs. Still, they also tend to be affectionate to their families and can be friendly with new people and animals, too.
Physical Characteristics
  • Size: height: 10-11 inches; the dog's head stands up quite a bit above this height.
  • Coat: a rough and straight outer coat conceals a short, soft undercoat.
  • Color: Blue and tan, solid sandy and solid red.
  • Eyes: Small, dark brown to black
  • Ears: Small and pointed straight up.
  • Skull: Slightly longer than wide.
  • Muzzle: According to the American Kennel Club's breed standard, "strong and powerful with slight fill under the eyes." To the average observer, the muzzle looks like a typical terrier dog's muzzle.
  • Nose: Black.
  • Tail: high-set and standing up straight at a 90-degree angle from the dog's body.
Origins and History Below are some basic facts on the history of Australian Terriers as a breed, according to Wikipedia.
Country/Region of Origin: Australia
Original purpose: Australian Terriers were put to work hunting rodents and snakes, as watchdogs, and sometimes herding sheep.
Historical notes: The Australian Terrier was the first native Australian dog breed to be shown in competition. The breed was also the first Australian breed recognized overseas. The Australian Terrier breed's direct immediate ancestors were a number of British terrier breeds, some of which no longer exist.

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